Great news! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has made an arrangement with the Italian government to film historic genealogical records in exchange, we are indexing those records and they will be made available for everyone to research on the FamilySearch website as soon as they become available. If anyone out there speaks Italian or would like to assist, check with the Indexing portion of the FamilySearch website for information.
The fun thing about Indexing is that:
1. You do not need to be a member of the church to help
2. You do not need to be a member of the church to search the indexed records
3. The records are available to everyone world-wide FREE
4. Indexing is very rewarding - you will be contributing to one of the biggest World Wide Service Projects available
5. You can do it at your own speed in your own time
6. You can pick your own project (usually just 1 page)
7. You can send the project back if you don't like it, it's too hard, or you don't have time
8. You will be helping your family and everyone else in the world unite your/their family
9. You can access the site anytime day or night from wherever you live
10. Did I say it was FUN and extremely REWARDING??? Well, it is!
Sign up today and give it a try. You don't have to do Italian. There are a variety of languages and types of documents to index. It costs nothing to check it out (and costs nothing to try).
GO TO and check out the whole site. There is so much available to you FREE so what are you waiting for. Search for your family, learn lessons on how to do research, record your family in the world's biggest FAMILY TREE.